Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mega Inspiration! You'll Love This!

kumquat jelly, originally uploaded by bananagranola.

One of my most exciting new discoveries is an amazing photo group on Flickr called "Jelly, Jam, && Gelatin" (yes, 2 &'s). It is a jaw dropping source of glycerin soap inspiration like this gorgeous Kumquat Jelly photographed by bananagranola.

It's also funny since gelatin has a very checkered past. Does the word "aspic" mean anything to you? Well, I've never eaten any savory gelatin dishes, but there have been some pretty stomach-turning creations that have been encased in wiggly wonder (more on that in my newer post, expanding on the gross ones!).

Take a moment and click through the 5 pages of pretty and pretty scary gelatin creations. Happy browsing!

1 comment:

  1. I am inspired to start growing kumquats and then take the years to perfect a dessert that looks like this. ;)

    I love that it looks like a fruity lava lamp!
