Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fall Issue of Let's Get Soapy Now Available - be an Early Bird!

The new issue of Let's Get Soapy is now available and it's full of new Halloween projects! Learn how to make Day of the Dead Skull soaps, Glowing Nuclear Soaps, and Candy Stick Soaps. Also read about how real sugar skulls are made, using soap paints, compare different brands of glow powder, and get inspired by an awesome sugar skull mood board!
Every issue is packed with clear photos, tips, and a full supply directory. You'll have plenty of time to make these soaps and be ready for the first Harvest Festivals! (Did you know that it's completely okay - and encouraged - for you to make and sell the finished projects? Yes!)
As usual, I'm offering a special discount for early birds. Get your copy by Friday, August 21, and you'll get $3.00 off the regular price. Don't miss it!
Click here for even more photos of what's inside this 21 page issue and the shopping cart. You'll get a link via email to download the PDF right to your computer. Then you can read it on your screen or print out the pages you like! It's instant gratification!
Thanks so much and enjoy!


  1. Just got it and I'm totally in the creative mode right now. I love the skull soaps....

  2. Debbie, i am so glad that you mentioned that it is totally encouraged for us to sell the soaps we make, using your tutorials! i bought a tutorial from you a long time ago, and was really leary of even using your techniques in case it would be frowned upon by you. thank you for giving us the go-ahead to use your great wisdom to our advantage. :D i am very excited to start ordering your e-zines!

  3. I just finished the ezine and LOVED the instructions on making your own soap paint and making the skull soaps. You made a difficult project seem easy! =)

  4. Love the eZine. Very inspired for Halloween and some new projects. Also anxiously awaiting the tutorial for the soap eye balls.
