Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Become a Fan on Facebook!

For a very long time, I have resisted Facebook but have embraced most other sites like Twitter and Blogger. But yesterday I was talking with my friend, Erin, and she mentioned having a discussion board for Soapylove. Since the book just came out and so many people use Facebook, I thought that reincarnating the Soapylove fan page would be perfect!

So if you like Facebook, head over and become a fan! I have several photo albums set up, the event board is updated, and there is a discussion board! (yay!) So if you have any questions or comments about the book, soap crafting, or anything else Soapylove or glycerin soap related, please post away!

Thanks so much!


  1. You'll love Facebook - super fun - and you can link it to your Twitter account too so it's not as labor intensive to update.

  2. Yes, Ma'am facebook is uber cool!
    Congrats on your linking up with Anne-Marie and your darling colors and fragrances are sure to be a hit!

  3. Yes ma'am! I love facebook and it is easier once you get used to it!

    Congrats on a super new product package and teaming up with Anne-Marie! Those darling products are sure to be a winner!
