Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Brand New Soapy Pop and More, Coming Soon!

Just like my tarot card reader said it would be, this year has been amazing for Soapylove! So many exciting developments! To celebrate, we've decided to step it up a little bit.

The Soapylove site is getting a huge renovation which will include an improved shopping cart, exclusive wholesale customer area, eZines that you can buy right from my site, new photos, and a very exciting new look!

As part of the unveiling, we will be offering a brand new Soapy Pop - the Mint Chip! It's sweet minty color, hand-cut dark chocolate soapy chunks, and mouth watering scent will bring you back to your childhood. We know you'll love it!

The new site, and the Mint Chip, will be ready around early November so keep Soapylove in mind for your holiday gifts. We'll have the popular Candy Cane and the Winter Wonderland, too! Until then, have a wonderful day!

(Psst... if you are interested in placing a wholesale order, the Mint Chip is actually available for you right now! Email us at for a catalog!)


  1. I can't wait to see your redesign - I'm sure it will be incredible!

  2. Yeah! I can't wait to see it all. It's so exciting, Im so happy for you-you deserve it.
    Given my affinity towards York Peppermint Patty's Im going to have to get one of the Chocolate Mints-yummy!

  3. This is fantastic, seasonal bathsoap.
