Saturday, November 28, 2009

Winter 09 Small Magazine

Back in the day, a friend and I started a children's clothing line called Mink & Ambrose. We had a collection of knit coordinates and we also made one-of-a-kind pieces from vintage fabrics (didn't know I could sew, huh?). At the time neither of us had children, but we genuinely loved the freedom and playfulness of children's fashion.

Although I have packed up my sewing machine and shop for my kids at Old Navy now, I still admire children's designers. Recently I discovered Small Magazine - an online zine for kids' fashion (or really the adults that love it). Many indie designers are featured, and the photo spreads are incredible! Definitely check it out here.

And if you have kids that love to color, each month Small commissions an artist to create a line drawing that you can download for free. Get the Winter page by Julia Pott here.

Hope you're having a cozy day!


  1. Funny - I just discovered Small this last week :) Also, check you out in your NY photo - you are still tan, girl. I love your Xmas soaps and wish you all the best in your holiday prep!
    xoxo, cch

  2. Somehow we hadn't heard of Small Magazine... it's great, thank you :o)
