Friday, January 7, 2011

A Little Bit of Spring Greenery - Chia Tea Cups!

As part of the kids' Christmas haul, they got Chia heads.  One batch of seeds made so many more than we could put on the Shrek and Donkey heads that I decided to use them for a little kitchen decoration.  Chia Tea Cups!  If you would like to have a little spring greenery to brighten up a room, too, here's how to do it:

First, ball up a paper towel and stuff it into a tea cup, about 1/2" below the rim.  Add water so the towel is super wet.  Soak the Chia seeds per the packet, and put them evenly over the paper towel surface.

Put the cups in a warm area of your house, make sure to keep the paper towel wet, and watch the magic happen!  My cups went from seed to tall sprouts in only 5 days.  Very gratifying, and so much easier than gardening!  :)

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!


  1. very pretty. I could use some Springy here in Oh-we are a bit snowy.

  2. I laughed out loud! Shrek and the Donkey head - awesome. And gorgeous pictures of beautiful plants! I'm officially over winter crafting and ready to get green too!

  3. Fabulous idea! I love the green with the little blue tea cups!
