I am brainstorming for future eZine articles and wanted to get your opinion on one theme - advanced melt and pour techniques. I have lots of designs that take many steps and some sensitive temperature monitoring, but the results are really cool. However, my most successful tutorials have been the easy ones.
Would you want to learn about over-the-top crazy complicated soap designs? Leave me a comment and you'll help shape the Fall issue of
Let's Get Soapy! Thank you!
Yes yes yes..i would love to learn how you do all those wonderful m&Ps :) Please share
I personally would rather see the more intricate designs vs. easy ones.
I am just now starting to work on M&P, been doing cp soap for awhile now. So I am game to learn as much as I can!
Sure, I love to create intricate designs; the simpler ones are everywhere anyway. I'm always looking for inspiration!
The more over-the-top the better!! Get crazy and teach us the cool complicated stuff. I know you have lots of innovative techniques to share.
I think you should include complex techniques with simple ones so that there's something in each eZine for people at every level. And who knows when novices like me might get inspired one day and want to attempt something intricate? ;)
I count on you to teach me something new...go for the more complicated! :)
I'd love to see more complicated projects.
I don't know how much time all of this takes or how much time you have ... but maybe 2 issues? Beginner and Advanced?
yes, more complicated... then come back to the nova studio for an "advanced over-the-top melt & pour" class :)
I am all for the over-the-top and complicated. Thanks for teaching and sharing.
I would go with complicated too!
Irena aka soapbuddy
I agree with Teresa R's comments - a mixture of both so there's something for everyone, but more of the complicated ones!
I think that this should include simple methods for people who do not know how to start and some more advanced work and for those with some experience and wants to move
Intricate techniques would be wonderful!
Having a mix of beginner and advanced techniques would ensure that your eZine would have something for everyone.
I love the more complicated and intricate designs, but I do see the wisdom in having a bit of both in your ezine. Someone just starting out will appreciate the easier projects and be inspired by the more difficult one. Personally I can't wait!
Definitely! So many books and magazines are geared toward the beginner. I would love to see more advanced techniques, even if they do have a million steps!
Yes, more inspirational advanced techniques please. Although some simple tutorials are always needed, there are so few intricate tutorials around.
The more complex the better. I'm new to M & P, but am already looking to learn more complex techniques. I love your e-zine. Thank you so much!
I have to agree with those who said include the more simple techniques with the more complicated ones. The way I see it, you'll be appealling to a wider market and your products with have a longevity because those who purchase/read them for the simple techniques will keep going back to them to learn the more difficult ones. Also you could do DVD versions - sometimes it can be difficult to understand the written method and by seeing it done can really help explain how to do something. Hope that helps.
I would love to see complicated stuff as I'm intrigued by the cool designs you do in your soap lab. Plus I'd be more inclined to buy an issue with complicated ideas.
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