Today I checked my flickr account and was happy to see a comment someone left me on one of my pics. It was from naturalemporiodobanh o, who is an amazing soap crafter from Brazil. She has a whole set of what she calls "Soap Stories." Here's what she says about this creation:
"this project was developed by myself, I called it as " sculpture-soap", or even "soapstory". the small and fun soaps are inserted on the main bar, as well as the name of the gifted person, "CAROL" . she loved it! it is pure fun!"
Check them out here. You'll love the color and creativity each one has - not to mention the time and effort they require!
She also has an online shop, if you speak Portuguese!
uauuuuuuu....... sweet debbie (if I may...), how kind of you! I am just touched with your comments on my humble work craft... thank you so much!, but this is nothing compared with yours!
all the best for you!
greetings from brazil!
natural emporio do banho
Very creative. Love the colors!
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