Last night from 8:00pm - 9:00pm was "Earth Hour" when people all over the world pledged to turn off all non-essential electricity to show their awareness of Global Warming. Many cities participated by turning off the lights on major landmarks as well. You can read the official blurb about it here.
Jim and I did our part and it was one of the nicest evenings we've had in quite a while. We put our kids to bed, lit a candle in our toddler's room, and turned off all the lights. I got out the Scrabble game while Jim made us some cocktails. The candles on our dinner table were more than adequate to light up our game, and provided a convenient way to roast some marshmallows on skewers between moves.
Before we knew it, it was 9:30. That was the easiest way of making a social awareness statement I can think of! Plus it was great not flipping channels looking for something worthwhile to watch, like we often do. Maybe we'll make every Saturday night Earth Hour! I highly recommend it!
1 comment:
My parents and husband and I celebrated Earth Hour the exact same way!
Working on your video now, hope it will be up by the end of the week!
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