So today, like on many days, my husband came home between appointments (he's an acupuncturist) and I madly started running around trying to pack orders, create shipping labels, and help with the kids while he grabbed a bite to eat. He said, "Deb - how can I help you?" and I pointed to some soaps for him to pack. He started looking for the packing materials, but I was out of bubble wrap and he'd have to go down to the garage to get more.
Long story short - since I've become a "WAHM" it's been very hard juggling all of my priorities. I want to have an Etsy shop but the process of sending out small orders all through the week (even though I try to do 2 days a week, I always seem to send them out a day late) really stresses me out. When I'm rushing around like today, I start to get frustrated and down on my situation. I vented to Jim and he said, "why don't you just focus on wholesale orders?" So I am.
I just changed my Etsy listings to bulk orders which I will only ship on Mondays. This allows me to make soaps in quantities and plan better. I'm going to do some photo shoots of party tables with the soapsicles as a center piece to encourage party purchases. We'll see how it goes! :)
I think this is a good decision and I hope that it works out for you!
That's a fantastic idea! I hope everything works out...
Deb, It sounds like you've made the right decision. Over the last few years, I've had to shave off things in our schedule, learn to say no even when something is really cool. My kids are why I'm home. They're top priority. It's a season of life we're in as moms. Maybe one day in the future you can start doing the small orders again on etsy.
Wish I could make the class. I'd love to be there...kind of a far way to travel from Georgia.
Blessings, Jeannie
Gosh, I feel that way already with no children. I hope it all works out the way you want it to. I totally understand the difficulty of doing small orders though - they take just as much time as the big orders.
Just wanted to say how inspirational your story is to me. :) I'm so glad I joined the teach soap forums and wandered my way to read about you, too. I do have a question, though, if you wouldn't mind... or more of a description, really ... I am at the point now where Bath Cake had just started to pay for itself (thank goodness!) and I'm building a wonderful group of "regular" customers. But I'm still working (and home schooling, and a member of the fire dept, and and and, you know how it goes) because Bath Cake doesn't yet pay *me*. I'm not sure how long it will take to get to that glorious point. But I wonder if you have any words of wisdom in making it through this crazy phase.
aaaaahhhhhh...how am I supposed to get fun goodies to surprise people with? :(
But I hear ya! I love getting orders but the more I get the more stressed I become. lol
I think that's great! You know we are always so in love of our work and forget what's more important in our life... and if we can just take a step back and do things more smartly.
Go Deb... you can do it! =D
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