So it's ironic that I'm married to an acupuncturist. If I wasn't, there's no way I would have ever tried it. But my husband, Jim Chialtas, is amazing and has helped me with health issues including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, PMS, depression, and he even made our daughter flip into the proper position when she was still in the womb!
Traditional Chinese medicine is thousands of years old. Unlike many western treatments that keep changing every couple of years, acupuncture has been fine tuned and is extremely effective for so many maladies, including elusive problems like migraines and infertility.
But, still. It involves having needles - many of them - stuck into you. That may sound scarey but actually it's not. In fact, most acupuncture treatments are extremely relaxing. The needles are super thin, unlike hypodermic needles which are actually sharp tubes. You could fit an acupuncture needle into a hypodermic syringe!
If you're squeamish, no amount of describing or reassuring would convince you to try it. So one of Jim's patients, who started SingleDad.com, created a video of a typical acupuncture appointment. You will see Jim's clinic room (typical of most modern clinics), and the process of receiving a treatment. Check it out here on Youtube.
If you have had acupuncture or haven't but checked out the video, please leave a comment here. I'd love to hear what you think! Thanks!
Great video!
My family is new to acupuncture but it really seems to be helping a lot.
My dad had knee replacement surgery and was having a really hard time getting the flexing range his doctor and physical therapists wanted to see. After an acupuncture treatment he could tell a noticeable difference - after just one! After a short series, the swelling was practically gone and he could bend his knee much much better.
Now my youngest sister is trying to get rid of her headaches. So far no one has been able to help her. We've even taken her to the ER. Pain medications aren't working. Nothing showed in a CT-scan. They've been going on for months but she can't get in to the neurologist for a couple more months. Meanwhile, headaches every day.
After one acupuncture treatment, her headache subsided. It was still there, but bearable. Today she has her second session. I hope it helps.
I didn't expect this post to be so long!
I've used acupuncture for years and have tried to talk some of my friends into to it as well. They always say they are afraid of needles. I, on the other hand would more afraid of whatever ailment has lead me to the acupuncturist. Very informative post and I'll pass it on.
I have been have acupunture treatments for 3 years and I really enjoy them!
I was first introduced to acupunture when I was 9. My grandpa fell off a ladder and broke his back. While he was in the cast, he started receiving treatments to help with the discomfort, headaches & sleeplessness.
While I was teaching massage, one of the other instructors had received her Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine. We did a class together to introduce the students to Eastern modalities. I got to be the demo for the acupunture & gwa-sha! She is the one who recommended I start having sessions for my UTIs.
For 2 years I'd been having recurrent UTI's. 14 trips to the ER, multiple rounds of antibiotics, 2 surgeries, to many urologists and no one could tell me what was causing them. I'd changed my diet, my water intake, my physical activities, my clothes, our laundry soap; you name it, I did it. I listened to the other instructor and made an appointment.
Dr. Phau was amazing!!! He spent 2 hours with me for the consultation. The first session I had so many needles in me that I couldn't look lol. While I was lying on the table I could feel a heaviness & a spinning in my shoulder. It moved up my arm and seemed to dissipate. The bloated, achy, heavy feeling in my groin area lessened. I had 6 sessions and I haven't had any uti's. I go to see him every 3 or 4 months for an energy tune-up and I have no plans to stop!
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