Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Little Video Tutorial - Draw a Tree!

Recently, on the Teach Soap Forum, I posted a picture of some new soaps I painted. One of the comments I received was from someone who didn't think they could draw trees like that. So they inspired me to create my first video tutorial.

Here is "How to Draw a Simple Tree" which uses a fun method I learned in elementary school. Enjoy!

Oh - videography and additional narration provided by my 3 1/2 year old son. :)


Sheila said...

Two things:
2. At long last I may actually be able to draw a tree!
Thank you for sharing!

Rachel K. Lincoln said...

You are such an amazing teacher Deb! It sound like the little guy is catching on fast ;)
..And those soaps are just lovely!

Anonymous said...

All the soaps you make are pure and amazing art!

The narration by your son is the best. :)