So first, here's what I look like these days! No big deal really, but it's good to have an accurate picture in your mind when reading posts, right?
I work full time in marketing and don't sell Soapylove soaps right now, but the Soapylove Facebook page is going strong. It's frustrating, though. Even though there are over 7500 fans there, my posts reach only a few hundred (unless I decide to BUY exposure which I can't do all the time). That's Facebook for ya.
My kids are getting so big (10 and 7!) and my husband is doing great with his acupuncture practice. It's summer break and the weather here in San Diego has been pretty amazing!
Okie doke, well consider yourself caught up! :)
I really want to share this hilarious video with you. It's called "girl vs. pin" where the host tries making the fish-in-bag soap project. You have to watch it!
Gotta go now but I'll be here more often! I look forward to getting a bit more wordy than the usual one-sentence Facebook posts. Please comment and validate my efforts! :) Ta ta for now!
It's nice to see/read you Debbie!
It's nice to see you blogging! Looking forward to seeing your new projects.
Oh hello there!
Yes, please blog more! :)
Hi there
So glad to see you back.
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